8 research outputs found

    A Novel Security Scheme against Spyware using Sequence Selection of CAPTCHA as Graphical Password

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    our proposed work will be founded on Click-based graphical secret word plans require a client to tap on an arrangement of focuses on one or more exhibited foundation pictures. With Pass Points, clients make a secret word by clicking five requested focuses anyplace on the given picture. To sign in, clients should accurately rehash the succession of snaps, with every snap falling inside of a satisfactory resilience of the first point. To actualize this angle, alongside a plan changing over the client entered graphical secret key into a cryptographic check key, a "vigorous discretization" plan. It comprised of three covering lattices (imperceptible to the client) used to figure out if the snap purposes of a login endeavor were sufficiently close to the first indicates be acknowledged

    Study of MRI lesions in severe preeclampsia and eclampsia in General Government Hospital Guntur, India

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    Background: Study of MRI lesions in patients with PE with severe features and eclampsia and its correlation with clinical findings and laboratory values. Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted in HDU, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, GGH Guntur. 50 patients with preeclampsia and eclampsia divided into two groups based on MRI findings:  controls (normal MRI), cases (abnormal MRI). Results analyzed with Chi Square test and student T test. Results: Out of 50 cases, abnormal MRI findings were observed in 24 (48%) cases and 26 (52%) showed normal MRI findings. PRES lesions majority 20 cases (40%), GLIOSIS in 2 (4%) cases, CSVT in 1 (2%) patients, cerebral hemorrhage seen in 1 (2%) patient.  Majority are unbooked cases n= 38 (76%), booked cases n=12 (24%). Symptoms like irritability, headache, unconsciousness, dimness of vision and seizures correlated well with positive MRI findings (P=0.001, P=0.001, P=0.002, P=0.005, P=0.000respectively). Nausea/vomiting and high BP recordings not correlated with positive MRI findings (P=0.21, P=0.312 respectively). Abnormality in blood counts, serum fibrinogen, serum uric acid, PT, APTT and PT INR are not correlated with positive MRI lesions. Conclusions: Symptoms/signs like unconsciousness, irritability, blurring of vision, headache, seizures, GCS <3 and unbooked status of patients of eclampsia and preeclampsia should be a warning for possible development of MRI brain lesions. Whereas nausea, vomiting and high BP recordings are not significantly associated with positive brain lesions in MRI